What are the factors air source heat pump doesn't work?


As an efficient and environmentally friendly heating equipment, air energy heat pump provides people with a warm and cozy living environment in winter. 

However, sometimes we may encounter the problem of air energy heat pump not starting, which brings some troubles to people's life. 

Air can heat pump does not start for a variety of reasons, the reasons maybe as following:

(1) Power failure:

For example, power failure, power switch is not turned on or the wiring of the main power supply and equipment is not connected to the position. 

At this time, you need to check whether the power line is normal, whether the power switch is normally open, and whether the main power supply and equipment wiring is firm.

(2) Failure of the electronic control board transformer: 

this may cause the air energy heat pump to be unable to receive or process the start signal.

(3) Voltage problem:

 For 220V models, if the voltage is too low, the compressor may hum and fail to start. 

In addition, a wire from the power supply to the unit that is too small may also cause starting difficulties.

(4) Compressor Capacitor Burnout: 

This will directly affect the operation of the compressor and cause the heat pump to fail to start.

(5) Controller failure: 

the controller is the brain of the heat pump, if it fails, the heat pump may not receive the start command.

(6) Insufficient or leaking refrigerant: 

If the refrigerant charge is insufficient or there is a leak in the system, the heat pump may not work properly.

(7) Poor insulation of the water system: 

the loss of heat is faster than the recovery of heat, resulting in the heat pump start-up can not achieve the desired heating effect.

(8) Other setup problems: 

For example, if the outlet or return temperature is not set properly, or is in the timing setting range, the heat pump may not start.

To summarize, there are various reasons why air energy heat pumps do not start, involving power supply, electronic control board, voltage, compressor and other aspects. 

When encountering the problem of heat pump does not start, we need to investigate and solve the problem according to the specific situation.

If you can't solve the problem by yourself, it is recommended to contact professional maintenance personnel in time for inspection and repair. 

At the same time, regular maintenance and repair of the air energy heat pump is also an important measure to prevent starting problems.

By understanding and solving these problems, we can better enjoy the warmth and comfort brought by air energy heat pump.

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